December 08, 2019
Fool’s gold is a gold-colored mineral that is often mistaken for the real thing. Many unsuspecting miners, during the historical gold rush eras, were led to believe that they have found the mother lode upon finding a huge cache of fool’s gold. This gold is practically worthless.
One way to tell fool's gold apart from the real thing is fool's gold generally has sharp edges whereas real gold has softer edges. Gold will also shine in any light, fools gold only catches the light at certain angles. Also if you rub gold along porcelain it will leave a gold residue and fool's gold will leave a greenish black residue.
What exactly is fool’s gold? It is the mineral called pyrite, or iron pyrite. It is an iron sulfide that has a pale brass-yellow hue.
Pyrite is usually found in quartz veins, sedimentary and metamorphic rock deposits, and even coal beds. One good thing about discovering pyrite though, is that sometimes this means real gold is close by. Small quantities of gold have been found near pyrite deposits. If you do happen to find some Fool’s gold you can at least have a beautiful display of the glittery rock to enjoy. Or you can try to fool your friends!
April 01, 2023
April 01, 2023
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