Attn shipping delay: All orders will be shipped on Monday, March 3rd.

Gold Nugget Giveaway Jackpot

The Official Jackpot 2024 has closed. Stay tuned for the Lightening Round! 


Simply put, The Jackpot is the BIGGEST GOLD NUGGET GIVEAWAY IN THE ENTIRE WORLD! This exclusive, once-a-year event is your chance to discover massive gold nuggets in some of the richest paydirt you’ll ever get your hands on. It is available only to customers who have ordered Felix’s paydirt within the last year.

Every bag of paydirt is specially concentrated - it features the richest gold concentrates processed all year. Quantities of this material are always very limited, and it sells out very quickly. But here's the best part - Felix got this wild notion to toss some 1-OUNCE, 1/2-OUNCE, AND 1/4-OUNCE GOLD NUGGETS into random bags. And occasionally, Felix gives away UP TO 2-1/2 OUNCE NUGGETS! Be on the lookout for this year’s gold nugget Jackpot Giveaway and you could discover a monster gold nugget.

Felix Paydirt Jackpot 
3 Jackpot Bag Sizes!

*2-Pound Bag * 4-Pound Bag * 10-Pound Bag

Important: This is an EXCLUSIVE GIVEAWAY, and you have to qualify to take part in it. There's only one way - you must be an active Felix customer. (Meaning you need to have bought some of Felix's paydirt sometime within the current year.) Once you purchase, you are added to the invitation list. When The Jackpot comes available, we send out special invitations to all our active customers. When you get your invitation, act quickly. This stuff sells out very fast!

Got questions? Call 1-877-775-1120