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Felix Paydirt gold panning

Let's start with a bit of history. In 1902 - The legendary Felix Pedro discovers gold in Fairbanks, Alaska. The only problem was, gold was only worth $14.00 an ounce. Poor Felix. 90 years later - Enter the not-so-legendary but nonetheless charming Felix Paydirt, who knows a good thing when it clinks in the bottom of his gold pan. It seems that those early gold rush boys were in such a hurry to strike it rich that they left a lot of gold behind! 

The Alaskan gold mining industry is booming once again. So Felix got his hands on a couple of claims just outside Fairbanks, in the rich, historical mining district, and began packaging his genuine Gourmet Gold Paydirt in 1998. Today, Felix is the purveyor of the finest gold concentrates for the most seasoned prospectors! But, it's operated by family and friends in a small town not far from where the Gold Rush began. Every year, when the snow and ice melts, it's on faster than a prairie fire with a tail wind to get pound of material processed and ready for the next year. It's not all work and no play though, Felix is an avid fishermen and dog lover. The fresh air of Alaska's summer is unparalleled, as is the gold! The gorgeous gold nuggets that thousands of prospectors have uncovered in his paydirt are enough to make a grown man hoot n' holler. No one does paydirt like Felix Paydirt.