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2 pounds of rich material straight from the historic gold fields of Fairbanks, Alaska makes this bag highly addictive! The Bonanza Claim was first opened in 2008. It's a smaller resource and harder to access but considerably richer ground. The Bonanza has become the first choice of many seasoned prospectors!

This kit is loaded with essential prospecting goodies! We've taken the items most often requested by our customers and we've put them all together in this kit. When you get serious about your gold, it's a good idea to have a few handy tools to assist in your gold recovery. 

Kit includes:

• 10" black riffled gold pan.

• 2 pound bag of the Bonanza Claim.

• Fine point stainless steel tweezers with magnifier tool, suction tweezers, Alaskan made Felix chocolate, glass vial and gold panning instructions.

*Amount of gold recovered is not guaranteed and photos do not depict an exact recovery amount. This is REAL PAYDIRT, every bag is its own adventure.